Thursday, 24 December 2009

Christmas Eve

Anticipating the arrival of the rest of the whanau in the evening, Christmas Eve mostly become a day of preparation: food, bedding, Christmas decorations etc. We started out with a bit of tiki-touring around my grandparents' farm land to see how things had changed over the years and also to introduce my sweetie, sister-in-law, and nephew to the land. While out exploring some of the land that our family is set to inherit (once the Maori Land Court make up their mind - nearly nine years later, grrr!), my sweetie got an close up view while riding my cousin's 800cc four-wheel bike. The kids have smaller versions of the bikes and fearlessly race up and down the hills and dunes. So different to city life!

In the afternoon, a group went out to the lagoon to set flounder nets, ready to be retrieved early the next morning. An overcast day and the whitebait were hiding. Never mind; there was still plenty of crayfish left over from yesterday.

And the net result (overnight) of 12 flounder for a perfect Christmas breakfast:

1 comment:

Kellee said...

It's so nice to get back to where you're from isn't it. A place that so instantly feels like home, even if you've never lived there.

Oh, and I'm VERY impressed with the flounder catch. The Boy would be so jealous. They're one of his favourite fish. We only get one every few months.