Thursday 20 May 2010

Happiness is ...

The lovely Donna has started a trend this week blogging about what happiness is. For me, happiness is many things and they can change from week to week, or even day to day, but I'm happy to say that it's mostly about the small things. I got to thinking of what I'm happy about right now.

Happiness is:
  • feeding a 7-month-old baby boy pureed banana, mango and apple and watching him grin as it spreads over his face
  • spending a couple of hours on a wintry night catching up with a cousin from overseas who is only in town for a day or two
  • chatting to anytime-anywhere friends on the phone - you know, the ones you can ring anytime and anywhere and still have plenty to talk about
  • feeling the satisfaction of a job well done
  • winning stuff
  • cuddles
  • finding cool free apps for my iPod touch
  • the ringtone on my mobile phone
  • making beautiful coffee in my new caffettiera
  • discovering that something I've been worried about is really a non-issue
  • planning weekends away.
So, what is happiness for you?


Donna said...

Sweet! Babies are great. I am anxiously awaiting my nephew to get here! Great list!

Kellee said...

It happened only for a few days a month ago, but this one things makes me smile every day - meeting my gorgeous 3 month old twin nephews. First babies ever I've been able to settle without having to hand back to mum :) they're divine

Evelyn said...

Yes, I'd agree that the grins of a 7-month old are certainly worthy of the top of the list!

Genki said...

I don't have a lot of baby related experience but planning weekends away certainly makes me happy, as does a good new book, a great cup of tea, time on the couch with both of those tihngs and a good night's sleep.

Currently anyway. It'll be different things next week!

Anadrol said...

Totally agree about happiness changeability! Today, it makes me happy just the thought that it's friday! :) Great list you have!