Saturday, 20 March 2010

Wellington Ukulele Summer Fiesta

Despite the best of intentions, my purple ukulele rarely made it out of its bag last year, and only for short stints when it saw daylight. Today, my purple ukulele and I went to the Wellington Ukulele Summer Fiesta at the Botanic Garden Sound Shell and joined a rainbow of colourful ukuleles for a strum and sing session in the sun.

I'd worried about how my grand total of six guitar chords learned years ago would hold up on my ukulele. No need to worry; the five songs chosen for the jam session very kindly only covered the absolute basics that even newbies like me could keep up with!

Even though I can no longer feel the tips of my fingertips on my left hand, I'm hooked! I was too far away from the stage to be the first there to win a spot prize of movie tickets for having a purple ukulele; maybe next time? I'm now looking for a regular beginner-friendly ukulele orchestra in Wellington to join. Goal #92: learn how to play the ukulele - I'm on my way!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I was little, I was fascinated by ukeleles! My grandfather had one and I thought it was the best thing in the world.