I also love the humour of the ever-changing menu (very topical!). The food is reasonably good pub fare with a lot of variety. All in all, a fun night out, even if it's a "work" function.
A self-indulgent blog about places I've been, things I've done and whatever else takes my interest.
"... I've had a few,Apparently I have some irrational fears. Of course, to me they are entirely rational, but to others they are questionable or just ridiculous. I don't mind mice; spiders and bugs aren't my favourite, but they don't send me into a panic. We're not talking about full-blown phobias here - just things I don't like.
But then again, too few to mention ..."
When I set my 101 goals for 1001 days, I did it to achieve one main goal: to feel more fulfilled in my life. This is not an easy thing. There are some goals on the list which are practical and simply have to be done (#41 - Fix/sew up my clothes that need minor mending), others that are indulgent (#43 - Have a bubble bath), some new experiences (#9 - Swim with dolphins), and a few little ones "just because" (#55 - Have yum char with friends). They're not about scaling mountains; they are just things that I have set out to do.
Work has been incredibly hectic and stressful lately. Don't be mistaken: I love what I do for work and how I can work (at home, yay!), but sometimes there's just too much of it. I love travelling (and am working in Christchurch today and tomorrow), but the days here are really long. I've been unwell for a while and, even though I'm recovering quite well, there's still a long way to go until I'm fully healthy again; that's not always easy to cope with. And this is where #48 can sometimes be the most difficult goal to achieve: Find something to be happy and thankful for each day. So here are some things for #48 without the “buts”.
Classic Ice Cream Sundae 7.00 With all the extras. Your choice of sauce, with chopped nuts, 100's and 1000's and a pink wafer.Once again, those words your choice jumped out at me and I wondered just how much choice there actually was? I didn't find out ... but I'm sure William would have. ;-)
I live in Wellington, New Zealand. I love being surrounded by a good coffee culture and have proud weka roots. I enjoy this city's vibrant café scene and was formerly known as Café Chick. Between 2007 and 2021, I blogged about my adventures involving reading, music, baking, dancing, family, eating out with friends, travel and sunshine. Join me with a cup of coffee.
All text and original photos © Caffeinated Weka 2025
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